Davis McElmurry

There have been only a few times in my life where I would step back and take in the moment. In those instances, I would attempt to put them in a place where I would never forget them so I could continue to live those moments on and on for the rest of my life. I was truly blessed to have experienced one of those moments, here, in Guatemala.

After a long day in the field reporting, taking pictures, and planning for the next trip my group of four all sat out on the unused, walled-in patio that sat collecting dust on the back end of the house we were staying in. We placed our chairs and sat back and talked lightly as the sun began to set and the night brought the stars. We borrowed a small speaker to play music and our computers which we did no work on.

The crickets were invisible in the night but the sounds were still present. The noise from passing cars was faint but still filled in the gaps of silence in our conversations. We talked about life, our experiences, past, and present loves, our dreams, and our successes.

A cigarette was lit, the smell wafted around the concrete enclosure and the night was gentle and warm on the skin. It was within this moment that I leaned back and took a mental snapshot of what was unfolding. I let out a long breath and closed my eyes, replaying it in my head over and over. I never wanted this moment to end.

Others joined us slowly and soon the patio was filled with more people all with more stories and experiences. But it was that moment with the 4 of us that will never ever leave me.

Textura brought all four of us together, all with different backgrounds, ethnicities, and perspectives together on that patio. I’m thankful for all the new people I’ve met and the experiences I’ve had. Yet, at that moment in the transition between night and day, I will forever cherish.


Morgan Day